Best Strategy On How To Write Stanford Supplemental Essays In 2024.

Getting an admission offer in a Competitive University like Stanford is a dream come true for youths and early-Professionals like you, because of its well equipped teaching and research facilities coupled with professionals from across the world.

However, this admission can be denied as a result of applicants having a little knowledge on how to write Stanford Supplemental essays.

The Stanford supplemental essay is written as part of the additional requirements for undergraduate programs admission at Stanford university.

Well, in this article you will be learning the best strategies and step-by-step approach on how to write Stanford Supplemental essays that increases your chances of getting shortlisted by the Admission Committee.

All you Need to Know About Stanford Supplemental essays

As a prospective Undergraduate Student of Stanford university, the Supplemental essays play a significant impact on the decision of the Selection Committee in your admission.

For clarity purpose, here is a breakdown of how admission committee evaluates your application base on the essays and other considerable factors:

  • Academic Performance (30-40%)
  • Standardized Tests (SAT/ACT)- 20-30%
  • Essays (Common Application and Supplemental)- 20-30%
  • Letter of Recommendation (10-20%)
  • Extra- Curricular activities – 5-10%
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Amazing right ?

Now that you’ve known the importance of the Application essay in your admission process.let’s take a look at how to write Stanford Supplemental essays

Stanford Supplemental Short Questions and How to Answer Them.

The Stanford’s Short answer question is the first and most important part of the supplemental essays that will be required of you during the application process.

This essay helps the Admission Officers to have a deep understanding of Applicant’s personalities, past experience, and interests.

It also demonstrates the creative nature of the Applicant and evaluates them.

Below are 5 short answer Stanford Supplemental Essays  questions and the best strategies to answer them.

1 What is the most important Challenge that the Society faces Today ? (50-100 words)

This question particularly seeks to Understand your relation with societal problems, such as War, Quality education, Climate change, economic instability, and how these problems can be solved using innovative approaches.

In your answers, you’ll have to show the admission committee through your writing that you are aware of these problems, and as a prospective student of the university you are eager to learn and be equipped with the knowledge to reduce or put an end to the challenges.

2) How did you spend your last two summers ? (50-100 words)

This is the second short answer question in the Stanford Supplemental essays and it seeks to know  how you’ll behave during your stay on campus.

This also indirectly highlights your endeavors for the past few months and how that has prepared you for an undergraduate admission at Stanford University.

So, the best Strategy to answer this question is by highlighting that experience that resonates with what you’ve applied for in the university.

This will convince the committee more and shows your dedication and enthusiasm towards the path.

3) What are some of the Historical Moment you wish to have Witnessed

Here is another question from the short answer prompts that seeks to evaluate your knowledge of History and geography.

The best approach to answering such a question is to critically Remember some of the  global events you were taught in High School and write them down.

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However, if you find it difficult to remember any of them, just Google the top 100 historical events that made an impact on earth.

This will enable you to choose to answer this question amicably.

4)  Discuss any extracurricular activities that you have participated in the past years (50-100 words)

Here is the fourth question in the short answer supplemental essay where the Admission officers seek to know your previous extracurricular activities such as Sports, Conferences, Outreach, and belongings to Societies and associations.

Extra-Curricular activities play a great Significant role in the evaluation of your admission application.

Extra curricular activities take about 5-10% of the score for your admission requirements.

So, the best strategy is to write about those activities that have developed your knowledge in the areas of specialization you applied.

5) List Five things that are Important to you (50-100 words)

Answering this last question entails you to understand your priorities, Passion, and values while showcasing Authenticity and self-awareness via your writing.

The best approach to answer this question is to place your priorities into categories, for example;

  • Personal Relationships (Friends and family)
  • Creativity (art, music, writing, etc)
  • Engagements ( Volunteering, activism, etc)

A short answer to the above question may go in this format;

  1. Education
  2. Scientific Research
  3. Community service
  4. Self improvement, and 
  5. Family.

Read More expert guide on how to write Stanford Supplemental essays on College Vine

Haven learnt about how to answer short supplemental essay questions from Stanford University, In the sections below you’ll also learn how to answer the Common Application Stanford Supplemental Essays questions.

Common Application Questions and How to Answer Them.

Unlike Short- answer supplemental questions, The Common Application essay questions focus solemnly on general concepts, broader themes and experience rather than personalities, Passion, and Interest.

Some of the Common Application supplemental questions is as follows

1 ) Write about an Idea or Experience that makes learning exciting for you.

This is quite a complex question that demands crucial self-evaluation.

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It seeks to know what are the ideas, reasons, or Circumstances that have fueled your passion on this path of learning.

For example, a Science student who finds learning chemistry exciting might be doing that out of an experience with some practicals in the laboratory which captivates him and enjoy learning more.

Such student(s) will arguably perform excellently provided he is in the right environment.

So, this question demands you of an answer of sharing your ideas or experience that will make your learning period at Stanford University a great and impactful on Roommate

2 A note to Future Roommate

Most students at Stanford university are accommodated in the campus hostel, and as such may be paired with a Roommate from an entirely different Region and socioeconomic background.

As simple as this sounds, it’s a note required of you to tailor your kind of personality, how you value people around you, and whatever you plan or wish to achieve with your Roommate during your stay in the university and afterward.

3) An experience or Interest that would help you make a great Contribution as an Undergraduate at Stanford University.

As a prospective student of Stanford university, one of your objectives is to promote the university’s mission and vision through personal innovative approach and becoming an ambassador of the university outside the campus.

The question seeks to address these experiences that have shaped you into being the right candidate that will contribute positively to the affairs of the university.

What are your interests, and how will it transmit into a distinctive contribution to the University system ?

The best approach to this question is to be sincere and Honest.

Note that : The Admission Committee has several years experience in reviewing essays, and as such can detect Plagiarized Essays, forged experience, or AI written content.

When this is available in your application, it can jeopardize the process and makes you lose an opportunity of a lifetime.

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So far in this article, you’ve learnt the best approach on How to write Stanford Supplemental essays and their various types which includes:

  • Short- answer supplemental essay question
  • Common Application Supplemental essay question.

You’ve also learnt the questions samples in each category and how to answer them.

To learn more about Stanford University’s Admission process, deadline and department and  how to write Stanford Supplemental essays,Visit their official website at Stanford

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Frequently asked Questions

How important is the Stanford Supplemental essay in my admission ?

Stanford’s supplemental essays take 10-20% of the admission requirements and as such are very important in the process.

Can I use my common App answers for the short answer questions ?

No, you can’t.

When to apply to Stanford University ?

The Application deadline for Stanford is stated as follows:
       •Restrictive early action – November 1,2024.
       • Regular decision — 5 Jan 2025

What is the acceptance rate of Stanford University ?

Stanford university’s acceptance rate is very competitive and it ranges from 3.6-3.9% in the previous years.

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