5 Powerful Tips On How To Write USC Supplemental Essays In 2024.

Did you know that 59,700 (88.6%) of prospective students like you were denied admission to the University of southern California in 2024 for lack of the skills and knowledge on how to write USC supplemental essays ?

According to College Vine, the USC supplemental essay is a very vital document in the school’s Undergraduates Admission process because it highlights applicant’s passion, interest, and relevant experience that can contribute positively to the mission and vision of the University and as such takes about 20-30%.

The University of Southern California has one of the most competitive admission processes in the world with over 44,000 applicants in the previous year for both undergraduate and graduate studies.

However in this article, you will be exposed to 5 powerful tips and strategies on how to write USC supplemental essays that are capable of winning the hearts of Admission officers.

Everything you Need to Know about USC Supplemental Essays

The USC supplemental essays are very complex and differ from other schools, and as such requires critical attention, thinking and being detail oriented.

In Addition, these essays are categorized into different forms and demand different approaches in answering them.

The essay consists of a One Compulsory “Why USC ” essay, 10 short answer questions, an optional academic progress essay, and USC school Specific Supplemental Essay.

Required “Why USC” Essay.

This Compulsory “WHY” essay question is one the most important essays in the USC supplemental essay and it seeks to know your interest, passion and what drives you towards choosing the University of southern California.

In this category, you’ll need to critically make an in-depth research about the school and also conduct some Sincere self-evaluation questions in order to fully understand your motive towards choosing the school.

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Below is a sample of the prompt

Write on how you plan to fulfill your educational interests and why you choose USC to explore them specifically. Please feel free to mention the first and second choices of your major selection (250-words)”

The Prompt above is what the one Compulsory “Why” essay looks like.

As an applicant, you have to critically analyze it and use the powerful tips that will be shared later in this article to ace it.

10 Compulsory Short answer Questions

The Short answer questions are also a pivotal aspect of the Supplemental essays that dives deep into specific areas of the applicant’s life such as Personalities, and what they love doing during holidays or leisure periods.

Below is the sample of the 10 short answer essay questions 

  • Write about yourself in three (3) words
  • What Snacks is your favorite
  • The Best movie you’ve ever watch
  • Your dream Job
  • Assuming your life has a theme song, what would that be ?
  • Your dream trip
  • Which TV series will you watch next ?
  • Mention that fictional character you wish to have as your ideal roommate
  • Your Favorite book
  • What topic can you teach a class on ?

These questions are very critical and as such applicants should be detail-Oriented and also follow the tips that would be provided in this article, as they are tested, and verified.

USC School Specific Supplemental Essay

The School specific essay is an additional supplemental essay required from students applying to a specific department/Program at the University of Southern California (Official Website).

In this section of the article, you will be exposed to the sample prompt questions for Students applying to programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Architecture, and USC school of Engineering Viterbi supplemental Essays.

USC Dornsife School of Letters, Sciences and Arts

All of us have at least one passion or topic that we think deeply about- an issue that we would like to express our opinions with the hope of getting interested individuals and Sparkling Conversations.

If you were to be given ten minutes with attention from millions of people, what would you talk about ? (250 words)”

Above is the Prompt for the school specific supplemental essay at the Dornsife School of Letters, Science and Arts, and it is mandatory that you answer it amicably, not exceeding the words limit.

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USC School of Architecture

Prompt 1

“We view architecture as “right of every human” and that every design should express “Social- Consciousness”. Do you think architecture can contribute to higher “Social Consciousness”.

Prompt 2

“At USC architecture, you will be taught how to become Critical thinkers. With that in place, please let us know about a work of architecture that you have personally experienced and how the design resonate with you”

That’s the Prompt for the School of Architecture at the University of Southern California specifically only for students applying to the Program.

USC School of Engineering- Viterbi supplemental essay

Prompt 1

“The student body at USC school of Engineering is a diverse group of fantastic computer engineers and scientists that work together to engineer a sustainable world for all Humanity.

Kindly describe how your Contributions to the USC engineering student body may differ from others. Be free to express any part of your background, trait, experience, skills, challenges, and Personality in assisting us better understand you.”

Prompt 2

“The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) with its 14 challenges moves hand-in-hand with our Vision to create a better world for Humanity.

Computer engineers and Scientists are tasked to solve these challenges in order to improve  life on earth.

Please, tell us which of the challenges is most valuable to you, and why ?”

There you have the prompts for the School of engineering applicants for USC supplemental essays.

To learn more about the “National Academy of Engineers (NAE), kindly visit  Official NAE Website

5 Powerful Tips on How to write USC Supplemental essays

1 Highlight your Passion

University of Southern California is a very competitive university with a high global reputation.

As such, always seek to know how the university will contribute towards achieving your dreams, aims, objectives and passion.

When answering your supplemental essays, feel free to.share with the admission officers how the university will facilitate your learning process and thus help you achieve your dream faster.

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2) Understanding the Prompts

As a prospective Student at USC, being detail-Oriented is one of the major attributes that the university seeks from you.

Before answering any of the essay questions, please make sure you have enough clarity about what is expected of you, what can increase your chances, and not exceed the word count.

Kindly visit College Essay Guy  to learn more on how to answer Supplemental essay questions.

3 Empathize on Community

Several aspects of the Supplemental essay prompts are indirectly seeking to know how you’ve been involved in some community development projects, programs, or Actions.

Discussing your role in the community can be a very good point in evaluating your essay scores.

In addition, Kindly discuss how you led a particular group of people on a project or an outreach while stating the impact that has made on the Community.

When the Admission committee sees this in your essay, they’ll be better convinced that you are ready to become a global leader who will bring about innovative solutions to the world’s most challenging needs.

4 Authenticity is Key

While writing USC supplemental essays might be a very daunting task, it is also very crucial to submit authentic work if you are determined to get admitted into one of the best universities in the World.

Admission review officers have several years of experience in reviewing this type of essays and can as well detect plagiarized, or AI written content.

This may affect your admission process, and as a future leader you wouldn’t want to be caught on such an act.

So, be authentic.

5) Editing and Proofreading

The need for proofreading and editing your essays before submitting cannot be overemphasized.

Proper proofreading helps you to identify grammatical errors, get notified of word counts, and helps maintain clear and Concise essays.


In this article, you’ve also learnt about how to write USC Supplemental essays and the different types which include: Compulsory “WHY” essay question, 10- Short answer questions, and the School specific Supplemental essays.

Additionally, we’ve highlighted some powerful tips that can aid you in writing a captivating supplemental essay.

Remember to be Authentic, clear, and honest in your response as these essays are a very important part of the USC admission Process.

See you at the University of Southern California (USC).

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Frequently asked Questions

What Format should I use to write my Supplemental essay

All USC supplemental essays should be in PDF or Word document format.

Am I allowed to add additional documents to my supplemental essays ?

No, only documents required by the USC admission committee should be submitted.

Will I receive any email after submitting my essay ?

Yes, you will receive a confirmatory email through USC application portal.

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